The Woman of Valor ~ 2022-2023
CLASS OFFICER: Lady Linda Figler, PHP, Shaaru Court #37 San Diego, CA
MOTTO: Turn on Your Heart Light. Let it shine for all the world to see, and always be your own kind of beautiful.
COLORS: Black, white, red, orange, Magenta, green, purple, capri blue
JEWELS: Fire opals, gold, rubies & pearls
FLOWERS: Poppies, Daffodils, Red roses, Gardenias and sweet peas
BIRDS: Pelican and Blue Footed Boobie
ANIMALS: Leopard, Lions, Crab, Octopus, Walrus, California Golden Bear, Wombat, raccoon, and the Hairy snouted hog
FUN SYMBOLS: Clown fish, Black cats, Toads and witches
SONGS: “Heart Lights”, “My Way”, “I Hope You Dance”, “Open the Door” by Judy Collins, “Can I Have This Dance”, “No Time at All”, “No Man is an Island”, “Wind Beneath My Wings”, “Music of the Night”, “The River”
MOTTO: Turn on Your Heart Light. Let it shine for all the world to see, and always be your own kind of beautiful.
COLORS: Black, white, red, orange, Magenta, green, purple, capri blue
JEWELS: Fire opals, gold, rubies & pearls
FLOWERS: Poppies, Daffodils, Red roses, Gardenias and sweet peas
BIRDS: Pelican and Blue Footed Boobie
ANIMALS: Leopard, Lions, Crab, Octopus, Walrus, California Golden Bear, Wombat, raccoon, and the Hairy snouted hog
FUN SYMBOLS: Clown fish, Black cats, Toads and witches
SONGS: “Heart Lights”, “My Way”, “I Hope You Dance”, “Open the Door” by Judy Collins, “Can I Have This Dance”, “No Time at All”, “No Man is an Island”, “Wind Beneath My Wings”, “Music of the Night”, “The River”
Karen's Classy Cars ~ 2023-2024
CLASS OFFICER: Lady Karen Pryztula, PHP Za-Hir-U-Din Ct#7 Detroit, Michigan
SYMBOL: Model T, aka Tin lizzy
MOTTO: Each One, Reach One
COLORS: None. Think of the colors of a fruit basket: Strawberry, Mango, Lemon, Lime, Plum, & Blackberry
FLOWERS: Hydrangeas, Iris, Forget-Me Nots
ANIMALS: Bears to Hug, and Bees to keep busy
FUN SYMBOLS: Dollar sign, Traffic Light, Traffic & Construction signs, Halloween Pumpkin, Piano, Music Notes, Snowmen
TOYS: Circus clowns and cars
CONNECTING SYMBOL: Bridges between the US and Canada
THEME: Give God a Gift by giving of yourself to help someone else
WATCH WORDS: Turn challenges into opportunities
SONGS: “This Is My Father’s World”, “Love is like a butterfly”, “Any dream will do”, “I Will Follow Him”, “So Long, Farewell”, “Oh Happy Day”, “Unicorn Song”, “Do-Re-Mi”, “Hallelujah”, “My God”
SYMBOL: Model T, aka Tin lizzy
MOTTO: Each One, Reach One
COLORS: None. Think of the colors of a fruit basket: Strawberry, Mango, Lemon, Lime, Plum, & Blackberry
FLOWERS: Hydrangeas, Iris, Forget-Me Nots
ANIMALS: Bears to Hug, and Bees to keep busy
FUN SYMBOLS: Dollar sign, Traffic Light, Traffic & Construction signs, Halloween Pumpkin, Piano, Music Notes, Snowmen
TOYS: Circus clowns and cars
CONNECTING SYMBOL: Bridges between the US and Canada
THEME: Give God a Gift by giving of yourself to help someone else
WATCH WORDS: Turn challenges into opportunities
SONGS: “This Is My Father’s World”, “Love is like a butterfly”, “Any dream will do”, “I Will Follow Him”, “So Long, Farewell”, “Oh Happy Day”, “Unicorn Song”, “Do-Re-Mi”, “Hallelujah”, “My God”
LaDonna's Paladins ~ 2024-2025
CLASS OFFICER: LaDonna Seger, PHP Tarrara Court #83, Independence, MO
SYMBOL: Sarenrae and the Dawnflower
EGYPTIAN SYMBOLS: Ankh for Life and the Pyramid for Strength
COLORS: Cranberry, Sapphire Blue, Emerald Green, Antique Ruby, Navy Blue, Dark Topaz, Bittersweet Chocolate, Cooper Rose, Coral Pink, Amethyst Purple, Silver
CLASS PRAYER: “Celtic Prayer”/ MOTTO: Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable.
SLOGAN: “If you believe in something, believe in it all the way”-Walt Disney
FLOWERS: Yellow Roses, Star Gaze Lilies, Daisies, Geraniums, Lilacs, Gardenia’s, Honeysuckle
FUN SYMBOLS: Happy Hippos, Antique Merry-go-Rounds, and the animals, M & M’s,chocolate of any kind.
FUN CHARACTERS: Paddington Bear, Eeyore, Fairies, Poombah & Timon (Lion King)
GOOD LUCK SYMBOLS: Buckeyes, Guardian Angels, Butterflies
BIRDS: Robins & Hummingbirds,
ANIMALS/FISH: Rainbow and Brown Trout, Tennessee Walking Horses, Black Labs, Toy Brown Poodles
TOYS: Tractors, Trains, Fishing Poles and Muscle cars
COLLECTIBLES: Quilts, Cow Parade Cows, Stuffed Bears
SCRIPTURE: “All things are possible to those who Believe” Mark 9:23
SONGS: “Amazing Grace”, “Hakuna Matata”, “Humble & Kind”, “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”, “Little Red Riding Hood” (Sam & the Pharaohs), “Pontoon”, “What a Wonderful World”, “Boot Scootin’ Boogie”, “How Great Thou Art”, “I Believe”, “If I can Dream”, “Old Time Rock & Roll”, “Sloop John B”, “You’ll never Walk Alone”
SYMBOL: Sarenrae and the Dawnflower
EGYPTIAN SYMBOLS: Ankh for Life and the Pyramid for Strength
COLORS: Cranberry, Sapphire Blue, Emerald Green, Antique Ruby, Navy Blue, Dark Topaz, Bittersweet Chocolate, Cooper Rose, Coral Pink, Amethyst Purple, Silver
CLASS PRAYER: “Celtic Prayer”/ MOTTO: Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable.
SLOGAN: “If you believe in something, believe in it all the way”-Walt Disney
FLOWERS: Yellow Roses, Star Gaze Lilies, Daisies, Geraniums, Lilacs, Gardenia’s, Honeysuckle
FUN SYMBOLS: Happy Hippos, Antique Merry-go-Rounds, and the animals, M & M’s,chocolate of any kind.
FUN CHARACTERS: Paddington Bear, Eeyore, Fairies, Poombah & Timon (Lion King)
GOOD LUCK SYMBOLS: Buckeyes, Guardian Angels, Butterflies
BIRDS: Robins & Hummingbirds,
ANIMALS/FISH: Rainbow and Brown Trout, Tennessee Walking Horses, Black Labs, Toy Brown Poodles
TOYS: Tractors, Trains, Fishing Poles and Muscle cars
COLLECTIBLES: Quilts, Cow Parade Cows, Stuffed Bears
SCRIPTURE: “All things are possible to those who Believe” Mark 9:23
SONGS: “Amazing Grace”, “Hakuna Matata”, “Humble & Kind”, “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”, “Little Red Riding Hood” (Sam & the Pharaohs), “Pontoon”, “What a Wonderful World”, “Boot Scootin’ Boogie”, “How Great Thou Art”, “I Believe”, “If I can Dream”, “Old Time Rock & Roll”, “Sloop John B”, “You’ll never Walk Alone”
Whimsical Mystic Ladies ~ 2025-2026
CLASS OFFICER: Lady Cyndi Rudd, PHP, Kismet COURT #86
EGYPTIAN SYMBOL: Anuket-Water Goddess
MYSTIC SYMBOL: Sphinx, Felucccas
COLORS: Turquoise, black, shades of ocean blues, Coral, sand, emerald green, gold, silver
SLOGAN: Special Care for special needs
FLOWERS: Don Juan roses,orchids, lotus, palm trees, butterfly garden
ANIMALS: Florida panther, tiger, porpoise, blue whales, manatees, cats, Dobermans
BIRDS: Flamingo, cardinal, osprey, pelicans
INSECTS: Bumblebees, ladybug, lightening bugs
FISH: Society of creatures living in the coral reef
TOYS: Barbie, bicycles
GOOD LUCK EMBLEM: Elephants, ladybugs, turtles
FUN CHARACTERS/SYMBOL: Ariel, flip flops, convertible corvette, Spongebob squarepants
MOTTO: Have courage and be kind
SONGS: “When you Wish Upon a Star” (J. Cricket); “If tomorrow never comes” (Garth Brooks); The Rose (Bette Midler); “Islands in the Stream” (Dolly and Kenny); “The Climb” (M Cyrus); “Kokomo” (Beach Boys); “Imagine”; ”Girls Just want to Have Fun”; “Under the Boardwalk”; “A Million Dreams” (Pink); “Sittingon the Dock of the Bay”; “Some Beach”; “The Prayer” (Bocelli and Dion)
COLLECTIBLES: Picture books of Travel, pins from Travels, shells
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
LOVE/FAITH SYMBOLS: Holding Hands, wings, Pineapple
OTHER SYMBOLS: Peace sign of the 70’s
EGYPTIAN SYMBOL: Anuket-Water Goddess
MYSTIC SYMBOL: Sphinx, Felucccas
COLORS: Turquoise, black, shades of ocean blues, Coral, sand, emerald green, gold, silver
SLOGAN: Special Care for special needs
FLOWERS: Don Juan roses,orchids, lotus, palm trees, butterfly garden
ANIMALS: Florida panther, tiger, porpoise, blue whales, manatees, cats, Dobermans
BIRDS: Flamingo, cardinal, osprey, pelicans
INSECTS: Bumblebees, ladybug, lightening bugs
FISH: Society of creatures living in the coral reef
TOYS: Barbie, bicycles
GOOD LUCK EMBLEM: Elephants, ladybugs, turtles
FUN CHARACTERS/SYMBOL: Ariel, flip flops, convertible corvette, Spongebob squarepants
MOTTO: Have courage and be kind
SONGS: “When you Wish Upon a Star” (J. Cricket); “If tomorrow never comes” (Garth Brooks); The Rose (Bette Midler); “Islands in the Stream” (Dolly and Kenny); “The Climb” (M Cyrus); “Kokomo” (Beach Boys); “Imagine”; ”Girls Just want to Have Fun”; “Under the Boardwalk”; “A Million Dreams” (Pink); “Sittingon the Dock of the Bay”; “Some Beach”; “The Prayer” (Bocelli and Dion)
COLLECTIBLES: Picture books of Travel, pins from Travels, shells
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
LOVE/FAITH SYMBOLS: Holding Hands, wings, Pineapple
OTHER SYMBOLS: Peace sign of the 70’s